Sensitive data hiding

No rendering

Pre API 2.0


API 2.0

Smartlook.setRenderingMode({ renderingMode: RenderingMode.NO_RENDERING });

Recording masks

In cases where areas of the app shouldn't be recorded, but cannot be defined by a .smartlook-hide element, you can use a RecordingMask:

    recordingMaskList: [
      { maskType: 'COVERING',
      	maskRect: { left: 0, top: 0, width: 100, height: 250 }
      { maskType: 'COVERING', 
       	maskRect: { left: 80, top: 50, width: 100, height: 250 }

You can only have one Recording mask set at a time, but the recording mask can contain a list of RecordingMaskElement to cover multiple areas at once.

RecordingMaskElement can be one of two types:

Mask typeHow it works
RecordingMaskType COVERINGThe area defined by the element Rect is not recorded
RecordingMaskType ERASINGThe area defined by the element Rect is recorded even if a previous RecordingMask Element inside a list was covering the area.

RecordingMask example

The following example describes a RecordingMask in action.

On the left:

  • The blue box represents a video_item element.
  • The red box represents a video_item_image element.

On the right:

  • The video_item element (blue box) has a Covering value. The Covering value masks the element in the session recording.
  • The video_item_image element (red box) has an Erasing value. The image is visible in the session recording because the Erasing value cancels the Covering value.