Preferences & state


Preferences are the settings that are preferred by the user. These preferences could differ from the settings the SDK uses when recording.



Calling state returns the settings that are currently used by the SDK. The state of every SDK setting is based on:

  • Default SDK settings.
  • Initial configuration specified by SetupConfiguration.
  • Settings retrieved from the backend.
  • Preferred behavior specified via Preferences.


Because status is read-only, you can only get it using state. It can be used to check if the SDK is currently recording. It can also provide additional information about why the SDK is not recording. Full usage example:

RecordingStatus status = Smartlook.Instance.state.Status;

enum RecordingStatus {

If the SDK is recording, you get Status.Recording. If the SDK is not recording, you get Status.NotRecording and then possible causes. Causes of Status.NotRecording can be:

StatusPossible Cause
Cause.NOT_STARTEDThe recording has not started yet.
Cause.STOPPEDThe recording was stopped using stop().
Cause.PROJECT_LIMIT_REACHEDThe project limit of recorded sessions has been reached.
Cause.STORAGE_LIMIT_REACHEDThe SDK cannot record because it would violate storage limits.
Cause.INTERNAL_ERRORThe SDK stopped recording due to an internal error.

Default value

The default status is RecordingStatus.not_started.

Project key

A unique project key is needed for the SDK to upload and process the recordings.

Set the project key

Smartlook.Instance.preferences.ProjectKey = "YOUR PROJECT KEY";


Unique project key

You can find your project key in the mobile project settings on the [Smartlook dashboard](

Read the project key

String? projectKey = Smartlook.Instance.state.ProjectKey;

Default value

The project key is not defined by default (set to null).

Frame rate

Set the preferred frame rate recorded by the SDK. Only settings between 2 and 10 frames per second are allowed.


Frame rate set through API

If you set a frame rate between 2 and 10 frames per second using the API, any settings that are set from the dashboard are ignored.

Set the frame rate

Smartlook.Instance.preferences.FrameRate = 2;

Read the frame rate

int frameRate = Smartlook.Instance.state.FrameRate;

Default value

The default frame rate used by the SDK is 2 frames per second.

Rendering mode

The SDK can use different methods of capturing screen image data. These are called rendering modes

Several rendering modes are available:

Rendering modeWhat is captured
RenderingMode.NATIVEPeriodically captures the app screen which the SDK immediately processes to remove sensitive data. The frames are then complied to make the session recording. For more information, see Hiding sensitive data.
RenderingMode.NO_RENDERINGNothing is recorded.

Set rendering mode

Smartlook.Instance.preferences.RenderingMode = RenderingMode.Native;

Read rendering mode

RenderingMode renderingMode = Smartlook.Instance.state.RenderingMode;

Default value

The default rendering mode is RenderingMode.NATIVE.

Surface recording

By default, recording of SurfaceView and TextureView is not enabled. You can enable it using surfaceRecordingEnabled.

Set surface recording

//only for Android
Smartlook.Instance.preferences.SurfaceCaptureEnabled = true;

Read surface recording

//only for Android
bool isSurfaceEnabled = Smartlook.Instance.state.SurfaceCaptureEnabled;

Default value

Surfaces are not recorded by default, thus the default value is set to false.

Adaptive frame rate

To lower requirements on the CPU, storage space, and network bandwidth, the SDK captures the screen only when there is something drawn in the application. This detection works well in typical native applications, but might be problematic when Surface, TextureView, or similar is used. Thus adaptive frame rate can be disabled.

Set adaptive frame rate

Smartlook.Instance.preferences.AdaptiveFrameRateEnabled = true;

Read adaptive frame rate

bool isAdaptiveFrameRateEnabled = Smartlook.Instance.state.AdaptiveFrameRateEnabled;

Default value

By default, the adaptive frame rate is disabled, thus the default value is false.

Event tracking

Tracking of some automatically tracked events can be enabled/disabled using event tracking API.

All automatically detected events


User interaction events

All automatically detected user interaction events can be enabled/disabled. Rage clicks and trackUser (selector, clicks) can be tracked individually.

Smartlook.Instance.preferences.eventTracking.interaction.RageClickEnabled = true;
Smartlook.Instance.preferences.eventTracking.interaction.TrackUserInteraction = true;

Default value

By default, all automatically detected events are tracked, except Fragment navigation events. The default can be restored using the following:
