SDK Installation

Flutter is supported on iOS 10+ and Android Jelly Bean (API 18).


We are introducing the all-new wireframe mode in the version 3.0.0, where we are the only ones who support functionality like this on Flutter.


Additional information

  • Excessive logging can be turned off by using the command in the terminal: flutter logs
  • Map views are not supported.


Flutter on your website

If you also use Flutter on your website, you can read more info on setting up Flutter for your website in Canvas recording.


  1. Add Smartlook among other dependencies into the pubspec.yaml:
  flutter_smartlook: <<current-flutter-sdk-version>>
  1. Setup Smartlook and start recording, e.g., in your app state initialization:
import 'package:flutter_smartlook/flutter_smartlook.dart';

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {
    final SetupOptions options = SetupOptionsBuilder('API_KEY').build();
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SmartlookHelperWidget(
      child: MaterialApp(
        title: 'Flutter App',
        home: HomeScreen(),

Setup and Start Recording

To setup and start recording with Smartlook, Smartlook must be imported and configured.

In order to setup Smartlook, you need your unique project API Key. You can find it in your mobile project settings of the Smartlook Dashboard.

Smartlook now starts recording the app. The recordings will appear in the Smartlook player shortly.


Recording when on mobile network

The SDK will upload sessions only on WiFi. When uploading on mobile connections is requested, too, it must be enabled in the project settings in the dashboard. More details about the recording process can be found in the Conceptual documentation