SDK Installation



Aplications based on Xamarin.Forms are currently not supported.


  1. Add Smartlook Xamarin NuGet to the project.

  2. Include Smartlook into the respective source code, then setup and start it.

using Smartlook;



To setup Smartlook, the unique project API Key is needed. It can be found in the mobile project settings in the Smartlook Dashboard.

The most straightforward way to run Smartlook is by setting and starting it up at the very begin of the app life cycle:

  • iOS: in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions of the AppDelegates class
  • Android: in onCreate() of the Application class
  1. Smartlook now starts recording the app. The recordings will appear in the Smartlook player shortly.


Recording when on mobile network

SDK will upload sessions only on WiFi. When uploading on mobile connections is requested, too, it must be enabled in the project settings in the dashboard. More details about the recording process can be found in the Conceptual documentation